We are all creatures of habit. It seems like I’m even more so. There is this thing in my core-being. Something that people love. Yet at the same time love
Just say when
Nothing quite like good company and a great whine - I prefer red. Head of Creative at Afrihost. Writing is like therapy, so welcome to a slice of my mind.
We are all creatures of habit. It seems like I’m even more so. There is this thing in my core-being. Something that people love. Yet at the same time love
Smag driftig na ‘n deuntjie. Met die ritme vlek my siel rooi. Klink op die verlede. Drink tot dronk oggend. ‘n Leë eggo oor en weer.
There is this smile. One that says he is fine. One that says he is okay. But it is fake. So let us look closer. There are the words he says. Words of encouragement. Words that
Opstaan. Werk gaan. Terug kom. Alles net dieselfde. Alles net dieselfde. Groot word. Verveeld word. Weg kom. Alles weer dieselfde. Alles weer dieselfde. Moeg gewag. Te veel gewag. So wat
2 of 5: Frying Pan Chronicles. She drops the frying pan. There’s no time to wipe her fingerprints. She doesn’t worry if she gets caught. She wants people to know
1 of 5. Frying Pan Chronicles. He steps into the room, not knowing he’s not alone. He pours a glass of whiskey, neat; but only because he always forgets to
Life goes on without you. And so it does without me. But every now and then. It’s the small things that get to me the most. You’re not there to
Ons was altwee dieselfde. Die een so bietjie maller as die ander. Mettertyd het alles net natuurlik gekom. Alles het stuk vir stuk in plek geval. Maar iewers langs die
What if I said goodbye. Tomorrow. Would it change what you do. Tomorrow. What if things were to change. Tomorrow. Would you have regrets about today. Tomorrow. This is not
Jy het jou eie plek. Jou eie mense. Meer as wat jy nog ooit kon droom. Soveel geleenthede. Nog meer seeninge. Maar hoekom is daar nogsteeds iets wat kort? Is