Does it feel like.
Something is missing inside.
Was it even there to start with?
And you’re trying to fill it up.
With frills and some cheap alcohol.
Yes, you’re trying to fill it up.
That void.
That something you never knew.
Does it feel like.
Something’s inside of you.
Screaming, begging, clawing.
And you’re trying to shut it up.
With more frills and some alcohol.
Yes, you’re trying to shut it up.
That someone.
You fear, but you don’t know why.
Does it feel like.
What does it feel like?
Do you even feel like.
And you’re trying to shut it up.
With frills and slightly more expensive alcohol.
Yes, you’re trying to fill it up.
That void.
That maybe you created.
Does it feel like.
Just fill it up.
Does it feel like.
Just shut it up.
Does it ever feel like.